By Megan Hancock
What would our world look like if our students thought about Geometry every time they looked out the window? If we teach our students how Geometry connects to the world around them, this could become a reality.
The Rory Meyers Children's Adventure Garden at the DallasArboretum and Botanical Garden is a great way to show children of all ages how Geometry and nature are connected. While at the children’s garden, I was able to view mathematics in nature through children’s’ eyes. The Kaleidoscope Garden in the children’s garden has different stations that talk about mathematical concepts such as fractals, tessellations, rotations, reflections, and the Golden Ratio. Children are able to read about these math concepts and see different plants that showcase these concepts.
In a high school geometry classroom, students learn about tessellations, rotations, rotations, and fractals. Students often struggle with these concepts because they are not able to picture them or relate them to concepts they are already familiar with. By taking students to the children’s garden, they are able to see these concepts come to life.
While visiting the Dallas Arboretum, I chose to focus on fractals
and tessellations. Lornell and Westberg
(2014) described fractals as having the characteristic of self-similarity,
which means the part of the whole closely resembles the whole. Objects can be broken into small pieces that
resemble the whole, and this process can be repeated multiple times. Trees,
flower centers, and different plants are great representations of fractals in
Geometry. Fractals are often a difficult
concept for students to understand, so by showing students examples of fractals
in nature, they are able to better understand this concept.
Their article, Fractals in High School: Exploring a New Geometry, goes into detail about the Koch
curve and the Koch snowflake. These
concepts allow students to learn about the growth pattern of the perimeter of
the snowflake under iterations. In a
higher level mathematics class, students can begin to think about what happens
to the perimeter of the snowflake as it approaches infinity. They support this understanding with examples
of how to teach fractals in a high school classroom using these concepts.
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To take students deeper into the idea of fractals and the Koch
snowflake, Linda Bolte described an activity she did with her students that found the area and perimeter of a Koch snowflake.
In the article, Sharing Teaching Ideas: A Snowflake Project:Calculating, Analyzing, and Optimizing with the Koch Snowflake, Bolte provided readers with the activity, the assignment,
assessment methods, and sample solutions.
This is a lesson that could be used in its entirety, or specific parts
could be used depending on the focus of the assignment.
I also focused on tessellations while at the children’s
garden. The tessellation station in the
garden described a tessellation as a “repeating pattern made of flat shapes
that fit together with no spaces between them.”
At the garden, students are able to test their knowledge of
tessellations and create their own.
Texas Instruments (TI) has created an interactive lesson for the TI-Nspire that allows students to
use regular polygons to determine which will tessellate. They use this information to determine why
some objects will tessellate and why others will not. Part 2 of the activity guides the students
through dihedral tessellations, a tessellation using congruent copies of two
different shapes. They use this
information to determine if their rules for tessellations still hold when two
shapes are used.
By taking students to the Rory Meyers Children’s Adventure Garden,
they are able to gain insight into how concepts from Geometry are present in
nature. Making these connections ensures
students will never look at nature the same way again. They will see fractals when they look at
trees and leaves and tessellations when they look at honeycomb, plants, and
animal fur. Students would begin to
think about mathematics not only in their math classroom, but in the rest of
their world.
Bolte, L. (2002). Sharing
teaching ideas: A snowflake project: Calculating, analyzing and optimizing with
the Koch snowflake. The Mathematics Teacher, 95(6), 414 – 419.
Lornell, R. & Westerberg, J.
(1999). Fractals in high school: Exploring a new geometry. The
Mathematics Teacher, 92(3), 260 – 265.
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